The Fire Theological College visualises to impart training for twenty students during the academic year. The main object of Fire Theological College is to equip, establish the outgoing pastors at twenty different places in and around Andhra Pradesh to save perishing souls. Initially the trained pastors will be financially supported for a period two years right from the inception. And thereafter they have to carry on the church planting work on their own accord at remote places where need is. All the twenty pastors invariably have to work under the guidance of Fire Ministries.
Any student having a complaint with the College may contact any faculty member and request a hearing with the Committee for Student Complaints. This committee will set a definite date to meet with the student.
The student will be informed in writing as to the time and date of hearing by the Chairman of this committee or one whom he may assign. The student will be expected to appear at the set date and time. If he cannot be present, he must in writing state such. If it is not possible for the set meeting to take place, a new date and time will be set and all involved parties informed.
Chapel will be held regularly. Chapel attendance is mandatory. All students whose classes adjoin chapel, both before chapel and after chapel, must attend the chapel session.
Chapel attendance records will be kept. Unexcused absences will be treated as an unexcused absence from class. Exemptions must be excused through the Dean's office. No grace days will be allowed.
Bible classes are open to wives of students, and they are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of this training.
The student will be given an opportunity to be involved in actual teaching, preaching, and various other activities in truly carrying out the Great Commission.
To enrich the educational experience of students and to encourage members of the community and religious people, the college offers a number of lectureships and seminars (advertised and open to the public) throughout the year.
Fire Theological College accepts applicants on the basis of previous education, reputation, and sincere interest in Christian education without regard to religion, sex, age, handicap, race, colour, or national origin. Students are treated in a racially non-discriminatory manner.
Fire Bible Camp is an activity held in various places of India in every two months for young men and women between ages of 12-30. The camp is designed to bring young people together, training them to grow "in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52).
After all required information has been processed by the college, the applicant will either receive a letter of acceptance or an invitation for a personal interview. If an interview is deemed necessary, the student's request will be acted on at the earliest opportunity upon the receipt of all the needed information.
Residency facility is provided for all the students of Fire Theological College, and special accommodation will be provided for families with minimum cost.
The tuition is Rs200 and Residency fee is Rs500 per month, and for families Rs1000.
The student will be allowed to pay his tuition and residency fee before 15th of every month.
A student may apply for a scholarship by sending the appropriate form to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee. The student will be advised as soon as possible concerning the committee’s decision. To qualify for a scholarship, a student must not only have a deep spiritual dedication, but also excellent grades in his schoolwork.
The regular academic year is divided into five semesters ( each semester is of two months ).
Duration of the Course : Two years and Course offered : B.Th
92-100 A Excellent
83-91 B Good
72-82 C Average
65-71 D Low Passing
Below 50 F Failing
Students are required to attend all class sessions. Any absence must be explained to the teacher when the student returns to class. The teacher will lower the student’s grade by one letter for each unexcused absence.
If a student is tardy three times ( without proper excuse ) he will be charged with one unexcused absence.
The following will constitute an excused absence
NOTE : Students are responsible for all work and class activities whether absences are excused or unexcused.